Message coming soon!
Captain Skabb with closed Treasure Chest treatment...
The 'Plunder-Busta': Skabb's Tri-Barrelled Hand Cannon...
The 'Hoodoo Blade': Skabb's Venomous Voodoo-licious Sword!
Tier 1 Grove Mite Enemy Type for Ancient Grove...
Tier 2 Grove Worm Enemy Type for 'Ancient Grove'...
Tier 3 Grove Beast Enemy Type for 'Ancient Grove'...
Grove Beast Elevation Views...
The 'Death Hound' Enemy Type for 'Mountain Fortress'...
Death Hound Elevation Views and Scale Reference...
Listen to the Soul: remember always what is most important, and never compromise on it. Defend that like a Savage.....
J S Pullen
It's so nice seeing concept art for TLoS games ^-^ The game has had such a big impact on my life! Thank you for posting these and helping to create one of my favorite childhood games! (I love the descriptions for the Plunder-Busta and Hoodoo Blade btw! XD)