Welcome to the online portfolio of Jared Pullen, freelance concept artist at Soulful Savage Concept Art & Design. I'm currently updating my folio, so new works are being added as they come to be. Thanks for visiting and if you like what you see please leave a comment or spread the word. More concept art is on the way; I hope you enjoy.
The Art Of Jared Pullen, Soulful Savage

Friday, September 30, 2011
Creature Character Head Studies: The Alien Condition...
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Creature and Environment Illustration: Freed Souls WIP

Overall Illustration WIP...

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Once More Inside The Dragon's Vault: Prop Concepts From The World of Spyro...

With much to do and so little time. Keep on creating Peoples :)

Diseased Silt-Hopper...

Obsidion Beetle Hive...

Obsidion Beetle Hive: Damage Remnant State...

Smashable Plate-Rock Entrance...

Corrupted Tree: Small Scale...
Corrupted Tree: Mid Scale...

Corrupted Tree: Large Scale...

Corrupted Tree: Feature Piece Scale...

Listen to the Soul: remember always what is most important, and never compromise on it. Defend that like a Savage.....
Monday, May 30, 2011
Creature Design: Grotto Gargantuan; resolving the details...
Greetings People and welcome to May 2011 and once again to the home of the Soulful Savage! This post marks 1 year of art posting under the Soulful Savage banner; 1 year since I took up this much needed journey to create something beyond my 'nine-to-five' existence... and what better way to celebrate than by returning to where this blog began? By going back into the wooded wilds of my mind to wrangle that zoological conundrum; that slippery Leviathan... the Great Grotto Gargantuan!
More on the way when I get the chance!
Soulful Savage.

J S Pullen
Friday, April 29, 2011
Fan Art That Goes Squeek: Illustration From Mouse Guard

It's that time again and I've managed to just squeeze in some content this month, in between freelance and raising my three spectacular Children :) I thought it was high time I did some Fan Art, and what better world in which to indulge than in David Petersen's Mouse Guard? So with a mighty 'SqueEk!.... I present this offering :) So much of the content we create, especially early on, comes largely from what we like and has it's origins in what we enjoy personally as artists.
There's a big school of thought out there that argues that a concept artist need be well versed in all forms and styles, and that in order to be a viable option for a games development studio one needs to have a handle on a variety of things from industrial design and architecture, to character and anatomy. While its great to be versatile I find its hard to specialise and master any one thing if you try to spread too thin across a broad range of subjects. Not only that, more often than not, our best pieces tend to be those that have a personal significance to us based on our interests. Sometimes we just need to allow some room (guilt free) for 'drawing what we like'.

So draw what you like. Don't be daunted by the fact that you don't have a plethora of interior design, armchairs and funky tables to show off in your folio... just make a start, draw what you like... and let your technique and ideas do the talking. Your style will naturally emerge and the body of varied work will follow over time. At least this is what I'm finding as I progress.

Despite trying to understand and nail the style, there will always invariably be differences as I am not the creator in this instance. There is absolutely no substitue for the genuine original, and the work of David Petersen is quite simply stunning. There's a rich charm to the world of Mouse Guard, tempered with culture and history that on deeper reading becomes increasingly apparent. I'd encourage everyone to check it out for themselves:
So hats off to you Mr Petersen, and thanks for offering something that is truly special. With much respect I present this little work for Mouse Guard fans and hope to do some more down the track :) Can't wait for more Mouse Guard!
Kind regards,
Soulful Savage.
Listen to the Soul: remember always what is most important, and never compromise on it. Defend that like a Savage.....
J S Pullen
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Dragon's Vault Opened Once More...

Ignitus' War Shield...

Listen to the Soul: remember always what is most important and never compromise on it. Defend that like a Savage.....
J S Pulen
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Freaky February! Creature & Environment Illustration that teeters on the 'Edge.'

So ok... this bellhop guy makes my skin crawl, as do the environments presented here, but let it be said that everything you see here has been dialed back all the way from 'Producer 11' :) This is a taste of what was unleashed when I operated outside of my comfort zone in 2009. Sure I feel the visuals are compelling, even stirring, yet when laying 'paint to canvas' and coming up with the broader concept... something felt 'wrong'. It was like there was a voice warning me not to pursue; not to 'get in that elevator.' Well I did, but the one thing I am glad of was I didn't go all the way to the basement... despite the project calling for it, or more accurately: despite the need of the one steering the project to see it go there.

Listen to the Soul: remember always what is most important, and never compromise on it. Defend that like a Savage.....
J S Pullen