I have not been idle in my time away from the workplace; in fact... this is the busiest I've been in some time now. Yet for the first time in a long time, I feel I'm actually getting somewhere, and moving in the direction that feels right for me. I've felt in this time it is important to just keep moving, improving and doing.... attempting new things and choosing to back myself on every challenge no matter what I'm trying for, or who I'm presenting myself and my work to. You just have to keep on 'doing'; know your value, back yourself... and with the right attitude and at the right time, a strong opportunity will present itself. So acknowledging that Life is a journey, I plan to keep on powering on...
What you see here is a small Work in Progress sample of my next illustrated piece planned for the November posting. I'll talk more about it then, but I can say it is a tribute to those I've worked closely with and a supportive commentary on what we have faced as a concept art group. I hope you'll join me in November to see the finished work. So until then, (and long afterwards) keep on 'doing'. Keep on moving towards what you want... and keep on powering on.
Listen to the Soul: remember always what is most important, and never compromise on it. Defend that like a Savage.....
J S Pullen