For me consistency has always played an important role in any of my image creation. Indeed, like reputation, consistency is one of those fundamental building blocks that contribute to the construction of an artist's identity; for having a style all of your own is a valuable and rewarding thing. Consistency of style choice, consistency of tone and value, and perhaps most importantly... consistency of message, help define us as artists, and in many ways as Human Beings.
On the 'Legend Of Spyro' projects the task was to visually reinvent the franchise. For me it was about coming up with something that resonated with the modern audience of the time (2006) whilst not alienating the established Spryo the Dragon fan~base. There was an arm in the development that insisted at turns that I push Spyro into a much darker, more 'edgier' (and even terrifying) visual space, but in trying to respect the brand and its audience I think I found a middle ground that satisfied. There is enough darkness in the world... why on earth would I seek to add to it? You can judge for yourself...
(Please note that while the Logo and all conceptual artwork presented here was designed and drawn by myself, it does remain the property of Vivendi Universal.)

Spyro: The Purple~Dragon of Prophesy...
Ignitus: The Fire~Dragon Guardian and Spyro's mentor...

Listen to the Soul: remember always what is most important, and never compromise on it. Defend that like a Savage.....
J S Pullen